August Feature of the Month

Integrated Training & Formation

An intelligent heart acquires knowledge, and the ear of the wise seeks knowledge.
— Proverbs 18:15

The Immaculate Heart of Mary Counseling Center offers the only Catholic APA-accredited pre-doctoral internship program in the nation as part of the Nebraska Internship Consortium in Professional Psychology.

Our Clinical Program funds one or two doctoral interns in the clinical track each year, beginning August 1 and concluding the following July 31.

“We are excited to welcome four additional members to our team of clinicians as of August 1, 2021. Each of these individuals is finishing academic coursework in pursuit of a degree in psychology or the counseling field. While with the IHMCC, these individuals will have the unique opportunity to gain further and fuller understanding of a faith-integrated approach to therapeutic treatment. In addition, these individuals will allow our agency to expand our services into the community as we add outreach sites and increase the number of clients we are able to serve. Please join me in welcoming these clinicians to the IHMCC! May God bless each of them as they continue their academic and professional journeys with the IHMCC ~”

Courtney Miller, Ph.D.

Licensed Psychologist
Vice-President of Clinical Services

“I'm excited to have our next group of top-notch interns and practicum students. IHMCC recognizes the importance of staffing our clinic with the best and the brightest individuals who are well-schooled in both the great Catholic tradition and the psychological sciences. In a word, we desire neither psychology-lite nor Catholic-lite in belief and practice. Developing effective faith-integrated therapy in the clinical setting--which is no small task--requires an integrated formation in the best of both the most effective psychotherapy treatments and orthodox Catholicism. The addition of these impressive trainees first and foremost helps our clients to grow and heal more effectively, and it also improves our clinic's offerings and sharpens our supervisors. We want only the best for those we serve: Our community needs it, and our clients deserve it.”

Peter Martin, PsyD

Licensed Psychologist
Internship Director of Integrated Training and Formation, NICPP

“We are passionate about providing training in faith-integrated therapy to future professionals through the internship program at IHMCC. One of my favorite things about the internship program is the bidirectional exchange of knowledge: as our staff helps to form them both professionally and spiritually in this final step as trainees, these interns will share their own unique skill sets to serve our clients in new ways this year. It is an honor to work in a supervisory role with our interns and to help further them in their ability to provide evidence-based, empirically supported therapy services in a tangibly faith-filled environment where they can invite our Lord into therapy.”

Natalie Brei, Ph.D.

Licensed Clinical Psychologist

Please join us in welcoming our training interns & students!

Please Listen to the recording of Dr. Martin speaking more in-depth about our faith integrated training program with Jen Brown & Bruce McGregor on the Spirit Catholic Radio Show

Wednesday, August 4, 2021

7:40 a.m.